• krishidootnepal@gmail.com
  • +977-1-4795756, 9863021924

Welcome to Krishidoot

A Krishidoot is an agripreneur who, in collaboration with R & D Innovative Solution Pvt Ltd, innovates and promotes new agricultural products, services, and business models in their village. They focus on creating sustainable supply chains, introducing advanced farming methods, and developing agri-tech solutions, while also working to establish financial and market connections.It was successfully introduced with the support of Nabil Bank and expanded across Nepal with assistance from ICIMOD.

कृषि तथा पशुपंक्षीजन्य वस्तुको उत्पादन तथा वजारिकरण संलग्न भई निरन्तर रुपमा काम गर्दै आएको र आफुले प्रयोग गरेका प्रविधि, ज्ञान, सिप र अनुभवहरुलाई परिष्कृत गर्दै आफनो क्षेत्रमा रहेका अन्य कृषकहरुलाई पनि R&D Innovative Solution Pvt.Ltd  ले व्यवसायको मूल्य श्रृंखलामा जोड्दै लैजाने उद्यमीलाई नै कृषि दूत भनिन्छ ।


  To strengthen the capacity of existing farmers or new entrants in the farming industry in order to turn their venture into a successful entrepreneurship.


To create economic opportunity among the farming communities of Nepal by converting low profitable traditional agriculture occupation into sustainable inter-connected entrepreneurial venture.  

OUR KrishiDoot